Jet Lang Powder 45gr L1410

31,60 €
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Intended Purpose
Fabrication, by a dental professional, of fast-curing provisional crowns and bridges intended to remain in the mouth for less than 30 days

Other Materials / Equipment Needed
Silicone lubricant
Jet™ Adjusters (acrylic stains), optional
Aquapres® (pressure curing unit), optional
Jet™ Seal (acrylic sealant), optional
Acrylic bur or stone

Instructions for Use

In the impression, fill the tooth or teeth that were extracted or prepared with Jet™ Tooth Shade as follows.
Moisten surface with Jet™ liquid. Spray on Jet™ Tooth Shade powder from dispenser bottle. Alternate liquid
and powder until impression is filled. For best results, begin and end with liquid.

While allowing acrylic to reach a paste like consistency,
coat the prepared teeth and surrounding tissue with silicone lubricant to allow easy removal of acrylic from prep
and to protect the teeth and surrounding tissue.

Seat impression in mouth and hold in place for 3 minutes. Remove and trim excess acrylic. Do not over trim.

Reseat impression in mouth and place in and out of patient’s mouth until material reaches a rubbery state and
cannot be distorted. CAUTION! Do not allow material to get hot in mouth!

Remove impression from patient’s mouth. Allow an additional 10 minutes for curing, either on bench or, for better results, in Aquapres® at 30 psi.

Remove provisional from impression and check for fit.

Trim excess material with an acrylic bur or stone. Grind to a smooth finish.

Modify shade with Jet™ Adjusters if desired. Polish using Jet™ Seal.

Clean patient’s teeth of any residual silicone lube. Place provisional into mouth and secure with suitable temporary cement.

Brand: MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
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