Adhesor 80gr/40gr
2022-02-09 11:15
Zinc Polycarboxylate CementAdhesor Carbofine is a non-irritant zinc polycarboxylate dental cement, that provides natural adhesion to hard dental tissu
Adhesor Fine 80gr/55gr
2022-02-09 11:50
Zinc Phosphate CementAdhesor Fine is a zinc phosphate cement with very-fine grained powder allowing the application of a very thin layer. Adhesor Fin
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25,00 €
Durelon Set Carbofine
2015-01-06 12:49
With regular-set or fast-set powder, this fluoride-releasing, carboxylate luting cement attains a relatively neutral pH value that reduces post-cement
Freegenol NE 55gr+20gr
2015-01-06 14:55
Freegenol is a eugenol-free luting cement for temporary cementation of indirect restorations.It is completely compatible and safe to use with acrylic
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48,54 €
Fuji I Adhesive Set 35gr+25gr
2015-01-06 14:50
GC’s first glass ionomer luting cement, Fuji I, was introduced over 25 years ago, primarily for the luting of metals. Documented use has proven Fuji
141,39 €98,97 €
Fuji IX GP Fast A3 1pcs
2016-09-13 13:03
Stackable Glass Ionomer Powder of normal and fast setting ideal for cavity fillings of V, I and II groups as a base and as a material for molar recons
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2,98 €
Fuji Plus A3 Adhesive 15gr+8gr+7gr
2017-07-20 10:31
GC´s Fuji PLUS has been designed to offer you simple and error-free cementation procedures anda strong and durable bond you can rely on. The outstand
166,33 €124,75 €
Kavitan Plus A3 15gr/15gr
2022-02-22 19:47
Kavitan™ Plus Glass-Ionomer CementRadiopaque Glass Ionomer CementKavitan Plus is a radiopaque glass ionomer cement in the form of powder and liquid.
Ketac Cem Plus Automix 8.5gr
2021-02-03 10:30
DetailsKatec Cem Plus Automix in practical self-mixing packaging.Easy and healthy handling, through the award-winning Clicker Distributor.Paste-paste
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80,35 €
Ketac Cem Radiopaque 33gr+12ml
2015-01-06 12:55
Glass ionomer luting cement offers chemical bond to enamel and dentin.Releases fluoride.High biocompatibility.Extremely low film thickness optimizes f
121,00 €
Ketac Cem Radiopaque Triple Pack Set
2021-02-03 09:37
Glass ionomer luting cement offers chemical bond to enamel and dentin.Releases fluoride.High biocompatibility.Extremely low film thickness optimizes f
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253,10 €215,14 €
Meron 35gr/15ml
2015-01-06 14:03
Resin modified glass ionomer cement IndicationsCementation of crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays made from ceramic, zirconium and metal. AdvantagesE
Mixing Tips Type 11 50pcs
2023-09-05 09:31
For Bifix Hybrid Abutment, Bifix QM, Fit Test C & B only with intraoral tips type 1, Grandio Core Dual Cure in the QuickMix syringe, Rebilda DC in
Multilink Automix 9gr
2023-03-23 11:15
Multilink Automix Proven clinical performance Strong and long-lasting bond – confirmed in clinical practice[1] Multilink Automix is a luting mate
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215,50 €
Panavia V5 Introductory Kit
2023-03-10 14:57
One cement, all indications, predictable procedure. That is Panavia V5. PANAVIA™ V5 is our strongest cement ever developed. And with fi ve shades, o
Upon order
117,00 €
ParaCore Refill Syringe 2x5ml
2022-05-26 12:19
ParaCore simplifies the post & core restorative technique with its ability to be used as a 3-in-1 material for post cementation, core build-ups
Provicol NE 2x25gr
2015-01-06 13:58
Medium retention non-eugenol temporary cement with calcium hydroxide in syringes, cartridges or tubes. IndicationsTemporary cementation of crowns and
Rely X Luting Set Vitremer
2015-01-06 13:00
A hybrid glass ionomer permanent cement that is fast setting, strong and easy to use. Mousse-like consistency allows for easy mixing, loading and sea
214,97 €
Rely X Temp E 25gr+18gr
2015-01-06 13:04
Extremely low film thickness helps ensure an optimal fit. Strong adhesion offers high retention to the tooth, yet is removed easily for final cementa
Upon order
52,45 €41,96 €
Rely X Unicem 2 Automix
2019-10-23 19:48
Rely X Unicem 2 Ceramic Cement DetailsTime-saving - no etching**, priming or bonding.Strong and moisture-tolerant.Virtually no post-operative sensiti
Results 1 - 20 of 26

Dental Products - Dental Equipment

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